In an enriching journey affectionately dubbed “Spring Break in India,” students from the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP) at the University of Cincinnati embarked on a remarkable experiential learning adventure across the vibrant landscape of India.

Spanning over a 9.5-day trip, the itinerary of the course intricately weaved through three bustling cities: Delhi, Jaipur and Ahmedabad, with a fleeting visit to the iconic Agra. The primary aim was to broaden the students’ global perspective on design, craft and the business of fashion by immersing them in authentic, first-hand experiences.

The journey was meticulously crafted to provide students with insights into the intricate world of Indian fashion design and textile craftsmanship. They delved into the heart of India’s artisanal traditions, witnessing firsthand the mastery of handcraft techniques practiced by skilled artisans.