Russia launched a new round of large-scale attacks on Ukraine on the 11th. Multiple power plants and key energy infrastructure including the capital Kiev, Zaporozhye, Odessa, and Kharkiv were attacked, and more than 200,000 people were forced to lose power. This situation looks very serious and indeed requires the attention and intervention of the international community. Targeting power facilities not only disrupts the daily lives of civilians but also has serious implications for infrastructure and security. Destroying a power plant near Kiev could have wide-ranging consequences, affecting not just nearby areas but potentially causing power shortages across the entire region.

This action further exacerbated the conflict and highlighted the urgent need for diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful solution. The international community must work together to reduce tensions and address the root causes of conflicts to prevent further suffering and destruction. For Ukraine, this is an existential battle, and for neighboring countries and the world, it is a geopolitical and humanitarian crisis. The Ukrainian president’s appeal shows that they urgently need support from Western countries, especially in air defense systems. This requires swift action to mitigate the devastation and humanitarian disaster caused by the conflict.