Japanese Zen is actually based on what the Buddhist monk Mei’an Einishi learned from China in the 12th century. In addition, it is recorded that Akian Einishi was the one who brought tea back to Japan. Although the “Zen” that is passed down today has experienced changes over the years, the basic concept remains the same as it was then.
Three schools of Zen
Japanese Zen Buddhism is mainly divided into three sects, each with its own unique background and characteristics.
Caodong Sect
Historically speaking, the Soto Sect is the largest sect practiced by artists, singers, and ordinary people. It attaches great importance to enlightenment through sitting meditation. A characteristic of Soto Sect’s zazen is that you sit facing a wall or tent during meditation.
Rinzai sect
The “Rinzai Sect” came from the practice of the samurai class in history. Its biggest feature is the “koan (zen meditation topic)”. Koan is also called “Zen question and answer”. It refers to a thinking method that abandons fixed thinking to find answers to questions that cannot be answered simply by relying on knowledge alone. It is said that the answers to these questions can only be discovered when one is highly concentrated through zazen.
Huang Bo Zong
The “Huangbo Sect” located in Manpukuji Temple in Kyoto is a relatively small sect founded by masters and disciples from China and Japan. The characteristic of the Huangbo Sect is that it still insists on using Chinese-based pronunciation to sing sutras.
The foundation of all Zen is sitting meditation with correct posture. For beginners to learn to sit in meditation, the most important thing is to be healthy and have good flexibility. Usually, zazen takes about 15 minutes at a time, and is performed while sitting cross-legged on a zapon or cushion (both are Japanese-style cushions). You can also sit on a chair if you have knee problems.
So what exactly should you do while sitting? Generally speaking, meditation means to have some kind of image in your mind and focus your mind on thinking. But sitting in meditation just requires maintaining a correct posture and maintaining steady breathing, and nothing else. The goal to be achieved is to sit down all the time. This behavior is the meaning of the word “zazen” itself. In addition, it is also important to feel your own breathing during zazen. Pay attention to everything happening inside and around you, but don’t let your thoughts get carried away by what’s happening around you and yourself. Just sit still. At first glance it seems simple, but it actually takes years of practice to complete zazen perfectly.
In 1863, Zen was brought to European and American society when the Japanese monk Shake Soen visited Chicago. Since then, many European and American writers have created many Zen-themed books. The American Beatnik poets are said to have been influenced by the spirit of Zen. Please be sure to try sitting meditation to get in touch with the spirit of Zen.